Can Rabbits Eat Bread?

Do you own a rabbit? Or are simply interested in what rabbits can and cannot eat. You may have wondered whether they could eat bread. You might be concerned about feeding your pet a piece of bread since it is a common household staple. We will explore the topic in detail in this article. It […]

Can Rabbits Eat Sweet Potatoes?

Can rabbits eat sweet potatoes? If you have this question Are you a proud rabbit owner or just curious about what’s on the menu for these adorable fluffy creatures? Well, if you’ve ever wondered whether sweet potatoes are suitable for your hoping companion. You’ve come to the right place! Rabbits are herbivores by nature. Their […]

Can Rabbits Eat Chocolate?

As a vet, I’ve seen many rabbit pet lovers who give their bunnies some chocolates. The sweetness of Chocolate makes them think it must be a good snack for their bunnies. But Can Rabbit Eat Chocolate? You’re also unsure of the answers. Does Chocolate hurt your rabbits? Let’s find out.  In this article, I will […]

Flemish Giant Diet

As a vet that has counselled pet rabbit owners for over 25 years. I understand how difficult it can be to plan and provide a balanced diet for your Flemish giant rabbit. However you need to know that one of the most important aspects of caring for these gentle giants is providing them with a […]

Can Rabbits Eat Chicken Feed? Written By A Vet

I have seen several rabbit owners that rear chickens in their homes complain of their rabbits sneaking into their chicken hutch. To eat the chicken feed served to them! Some parents allow their rabbits to continue eating these chicken feeds just because their rabbit loves the flavor. This single act has landed many rabbits in […]

Can Rabbits Eat Dill?

Can rabbits eat dill? Read the full article so make a wise decision. “Kira hurriedly ate up dill! Will it harm her?” This was the exact question of a rabbit parent when she brought her bunny to the clinic for medical attention. Before that day, Kira was diagnosed with food poisoning because of the wrong […]

Can Rabbits Eat Carrots?

Can Rabbits Eat Carrots? Please read the full article. My kids overfed my rabbit with carrots and almost ruined him! As a vet, I spend most of my time in the clinic and always leave Tom in the care of my kids. I did not know they followed what they see cartoon rabbits eat in […]

Can Rabbits Eat Pistachios?

Can rabbits eat pistachios? Rabbits can eat numerous fruits, vegetables, and hay. It’s very important to know the kind of treats you give your rabbit.  In this article, you will get the necessary information that you should know about rabbits and whether it is healthy to feed your rabbit with pistachios. It is very important […]

Do Rabbits Eat Lilies?

Do Rabbits Eat Lilies? Please read the full article. As a vet and nature freak, I love planting varieties of flowers around the house. I have a bouquet on my bookshelf and kitchen. I did not know that some of these flowers are very toxic for rabbits until I got a new bunny. Tim just […]

Can rabbits eat lemongrass?

Can rabbits eat lemongrass? Lets discuss all aspects. As a teen, I had a furry, adorable bunny named Tim that I loved so much! I remember browsing the internet one fateful day for grasses and herbs that would nourish Tim’s body until I stumbled upon an article that almost ruined his life. The article proposed […]