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Can Rabbits Eat Wheatgrass?

Can rabbits eat wheatgrass here the content by a Rabbit health scientist. My little girl served wheatgrass juice to my bunny and was scared that it would harm him! “Dad, I gave Tim my wheatgrass juice. He loves it! Will it harm him” She has seen me feed fresh wheatgrass to him? And thought the juice won’t be a bad one.

Several rabbit owners have also come to the clinic with their bunnies to consult me and know whether they should give wheatgrass to their rabbits or not. In this article, you will discover all you should know about wheatgrass and its health effects on your rabbits.

What You Need To Know About Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is the newly budded shoots of a wheat plant. It belongs to the family known as Triticum aestivum. It is used as a juicing ingredient in smoothies, is enjoyed, and is very nutritious for humans. Wheatgrass is normally harvested before the seeds of the plant mature.

The plant stalk turns brown when the seeds ripen. And it’s often used as bedding for pets. Some people dubbed  wheatgrass “green blood.” Because it is very rich in chlorophyll which gives it a deep green coloration.

A nutritional analysis done by reveals that 8 grams of wheatgrass powder have:

  • Calories: 25 
  • Carbs: 6 grams 
  • Fat : 0 gram
  • Sugar: 0 gram
  • Protein: 1 gram 
  • A good amount of fiber and vitamins A, B, C, E & K 
  • High in antioxidants like beta carotene and glutathione 
  • Essential enzymes like chlorophyll and phytonutrients 
  • Rich in iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, and copper.

Can Rabbits Eat Wheatgrass?

Yes, your rabbit can eat wheatgrass but it should not be a major component of their diet. Excess consumption of wheatgrass can cause digestive problems in your bunnies. 80% of their diet should consist of fiber-rich timothy hay and pellets. 10% should contain other grasses like wheatgrass while vegetables and fruits should make up the remaining 10%. 

What Are The Health Benefits Of Wheatgrass In Rabbits?

Wheatgrass is named a “nutritional superfood” It is rich in antioxidants that protect the cells against damage and inflammation. Scientific research in 2011 revealed that when rats with high cholesterol were treated with wheatgrass juice, it lowered their cholesterol level. Similarly, wheatgrass helps in normalizing cholesterol levels in rabbits. And prevents heart disease! 

Wheatgrass is rich in chlorophyll which helps to get rid of toxic substances in your rabbit’s body. Especially the liver! And promote healthy functioning of the liver. It also contains enzymes that help in easy digestion and nutrient absorption. It has detoxing effects and clears blockages in the intestines of a rabbit. 

It also cures digestive problems like bloating, constipation, gas, and abdominal discomfort in rabbits. Wheatgrass has no fat and it’s a good snack if you want to boost your rabbit’s metabolism and reduce over-weight. It increases the immunity of a rabbit’s body. And helps to fight diseases. 

Wheatgrass is high in carbs and it’s a rich source of energy. According to animal research done in 2014, wheatgrass was discovered to have compounds that function like insulin. It reduces the sugar levels in the blood. And prevents diabetes.

Do Rabbits Like Wheatgrass?

Rabbits have a keen sense of taste and enjoy foods that are sugary, crunchy, or salty. Wheatgrass has a little bitter taste and some rabbits may not enjoy eating it. While some may love the taste and happily crunch it. Do not force your rabbit to eat if they refuse. Rabbits have different food preferences! Some may develop allergies after eating it. If you have doubts about feeding wheatgrass to your rabbits, you can consult your vet.

How To Introduce Wheatgrass To Your Rabbit’s Diet

When serving wheatgrass to your rabbits for the first time, start with a small quantity. Observe them for about 24 hours, checking their behavior, stool texture, and body movements. If there are no adverse reactions, you can gradually add more over time. 

This will help their digestive system to slowly adjust to it. You can also introduce the wheatgrass to their diet by mixing very small amounts with their normal hay. So they can have bites of wheatgrass while enjoying their fiber-rich food. 

How Much Wheatgrass Can A Rabbit Eat?

The quantity of wheatgrass you should feed to your rabbits depends on their age, size, and health status. A typical adult rabbit can eat up to 15 grams of fresh wheatgrass per serving! While other younger rabbits should be given very small amounts. It’s best if you serve wheatgrass to your rabbits early in the morning. So, they can start their day with enough energy that will keep them active.

At What Age Should Rabbits Eat Wheatgrass?

Your rabbits that are less than 3 months old should not be served wheatgrass. As their digestive system is very sensitive and not developed to break down the nutrients in wheatgrass. Baby rabbits should be fed foods that are rich in protein and calcium for healthy growth. Rabbits above 3 months can be allowed to eat wheatgrass in small amounts.

Where Can I Get Wheatgrass?

You can buy wheatgrass from any food store in your vicinity. For convenience, you can choose to place orders on this site. And get your orders delivered to your house.

Diseases Involved in Overfeeding Rabbits With Wheatgrass 

  • Gastrointestinal blockage: giving excess wheatgrass to your rabbit may congest its digestive tract. Because it is very low in fiber. You must feed them with fiber-rich foods.
  • Diarrhea: when you give too much wheatgrass to your rabbit at a time, it may result in diarrhea. Diarrhea may be fatal if it persists for days! Take your rabbit to a vet for medical attention as soon as you notice diarrhea in them.
  • Watery stool: excess wheatgrass can soften your rabbit’s stool and make them unable to eat their cecotropes. Rabbits eat their fiber-rich pool to absorb the nutrients their body didn’t get through during the digestion process. This kind of poop is called cecotropes. You deprive your rabbits of the chance of absorbing the nutrients they need from their cecotropes. When you overfeed them with wheatgrass!
  • Imbalance in gut bacteria: overfeeding your rabbits with wheatgrass can also bring about the growth of bad bacteria in the gut system. This can cause digestive problems in your rabbits.

Health Concerns Associated With Feeding Wheatgrass To Rabbits

  • Wilted wheatgrass: do not serve golden-colored or insect-bitten wheatgrass to your rabbits. It can upset their stomach. Moreover, wilted wheatgrass has fewer nutrients compared to fresh ones. Use the wilted straws as bedding in your rabbit’s house.
  • Pesticides: avoid wheatgrasses that are grown with pesticides or herbicides. You should grow the wheatgrass you want to feed your rabbits. The toxic substances in these pesticides can harm your bunnies.

Are There Alternatives To Wheatgrass?

Yes! There are a variety of food products that are very nutritional that you can buy for your rabbits. We recommend the following:

  • Kaytee Backyard Wildlife: this is a good food blend for your pet rabbits. It is made with ingredients that provide a balanced nutrition that complements their normal fiber-rich food. It is a whole-grain seed product. Made with alfalfa, oats, wheat, rosemary extract, calcium iodate, striped sunflower, and many more. Secured in an air-tight package! All you have to do is to unseal the package and pour out some amounts into your rabbit’s feeding bowl. And reseal in a good container to prevent insect infestation. You can also feed it to the wild rabbits that visit your backyard. They enjoy it a lot! You can examine more about Kaytee Backyard Wildlife and buy.
  • Kaytee Fiesta Pet Rabbit Food: This is a high-fiber snack enriched with real fruits, vegetables & flowers. With no added sugar or fillers! It is fortified with natural preservatives, amino acids, antioxidants, timothy hay, and omega-3. Prebiotics and probiotics to boost the digestive health and general well-being of your furry friends. It is a well-rounded diet! Click to look up for more details about Kaytee Fiesta Pet Rabbit food and buy.
  • Vitakraft Fresh & Natural Timothy Hay: this food is rich in natural fiber and essential nutrients your bunny needs. It should be a major component of your rabbit’s diet. It has low protein and high calcium to strengthen the bones and the immune system. Its fiber content helps to wear down the overgrowing teeth of your rabbits. Keeping it in good shape! It has no preservatives, artificial colors, or pesticides. Adding this snack to your bunny’s daily meal will help boost his well-being. And prevent unnecessary illnesses associated with poor feeding. It is arranged in mini hay bales and reduced to thick slices for easy feeding and less mess. The product package is well-sealed and protected from ultraviolet light. Check for more details and buy!

Frequently Asked Questions Related To Can Rabbits Eat Wheatgrass

Can Rabbits Eat Wheat?

Wild rabbits eat a wide variety of grains with their plant roots or stalks. You can serve wheat to your pet rabbits in very small amounts. Wheat foods like cookies, biscuits, or bread are not healthy for your rabbits. Wheat and its products have high amounts of carbs. And can cause congestion in the digestive tract of your bunnies. 

Since rabbits love sweet, crunchy snacks, they may get used to eating them. And reject other quality, nutritious foods! We advise you don’t give wheat or its products to them at all. Focus on feeding them with hay, pellets, grasses, and other leafy vegetables they need for healthy living.

Can Rabbits Eat Wheat Fodder?

Yes! You can grow wheat fodder and harvest them for your rabbits. You can serve a whole lump of fodder mat to them. Some rabbits will eat the grass while others may enjoy eating the whole plant. Ensure you serve only a few that won’t matter to them to see how it settles in their digestive tract. A good fodder has a thick mesh of white roots, with green sprouts. Do not serve it to your rabbit if it is stale! Fodder can complement your rabbit’s diet and substitute the retail pellets you buy. You can grow it yourself and save money for other feed your rabbits need the most.

Can I Serve Shredded Wheatgrass To My Rabbit?

Do not cut wheatgrass into shreds before serving it to your rabbits. Doing so may result in tooth problems in your rabbits. It reduces the fiber density of the wheatgrass! Your rabbits need fiber-dense foods to help them wear their teeth and keep them in good shape. 

Can Rabbits Eat Wheatgrass Every day?

Do not serve wheatgrass to your rabbits daily. It may cause digestive problems in your rabbits. Wheatgrass is low in fiber and cannot satisfy the nutritional needs of your rabbits. Give it to them as special treats, two to three times a week. There are a variety of vegetables you can add to your rabbit’s hay daily.

Can Rabbits Eat Fresh Wheatgrass?

Fresh wheatgrass is the best for your rabbit! It is rich in the nutrients your rabbit needs. Do not cut it before serving it to them. It can reduce the natural fiber your rabbit requires.

Can Rabbits Eat Dried Wheatgrass?

Dried wheatgrass has lost some of the essential nutrients your rabbit should have. Nonetheless, you can feed it to your rabbit.

Can Rabbits Take Wheatgrass Juice?

Wheatgrass juice is a more concentrated form of wheatgrass and may not settle well in your rabbit. Most people extract this juice via cooking methods. Your rabbit does not need this! Its digestive tract is too sensitive and different from yours. Do not serve wheatgrass juice to your rabbit if you want them to be healthy.

What Other Grasses Are Healthy For Rabbits?

Your rabbit may enjoy eating different grasses. You can gradually add any of these grasses to their diet. But they should not replace hay. Your rabbit needs it the most!

  • Meadow grass 
  • Bermuda grass 
  • Blue grass 
  • Timothy grass 
  • Oat grass 
  • Barley 
  • Ryegrass 
  • Orchardgrass


Wheatgrass is very nutritious for your rabbits with amazing health benefits! However, it can cause harm to your rabbits when fed in large amounts. It’s important you gradually introduce this snack to your rabbit’s diet in little quantities. And examine how it settles in their system. Ensure you focus on feeding hay to your rabbits. They need it the most! Wheatgrass should only complement their diet.

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