How Long Do Rabbits Sleep
How Long Do Rabbits Sleep

Over the years, many rabbit owners have kept asking me questions about how long do rabbits sleep. Especially when they are worried that their rabbits have overslept. And might be sick! Aside from being a professional vet for 25 years, I have had many years of experience. As a rabbit parent! And will disclose everything you need to know about your rabbit’s sleep pattern in this article.

How Long Do Rabbits Sleep

Rabbits are known for their long periods of sleep. But how long do they take to rest? On average, rabbits need between 8 and 10 hours of sleep a day. Yet, like humans, each rabbit is different. And their sleep needs can vary depending on their age, health, and environment.

What You Need To Know About Rabbits Sleep 

Rabbits are easily disturbed during their naptime. So it’s essential to provide a quiet and secure space. For them to rest during the day. Rabbits are crepuscular animals. They are more active in the early morning and evening. During the day, they tend to be more relaxed and will often nap for several hours.

Rabbits are also social animals, and they often sleep in groups. In the wild, rabbits are prey animals. And sleeping together provides safety and security. If you have many rabbits, it’s important to provide them with enough space. To sleep together comfortably! However, if you only have one rabbit, it’s essential to provide them with plenty of interaction and stimulation. So, they won’t feel bored and lonely.


Sleep is crucial for rabbits’ health and well-being. It helps to restore their energy, and repair their bodies. And keep their immune systems functioning. A lack of sleep can make rabbits more gullible to illness and disease. As well as lead to a variety of behavioural problems. Such as aggression, depression, and lethargy.

Changes in a rabbit’s sleep patterns can occur due to various factors. Including illness, stress, or changes in their environment. For example, if a rabbit is experiencing pain or discomfort, they have trouble sleeping. Or sleep more than usual to try and reduce this discomfort. Additionally, changes in routine or environment can cause rabbits to become anxious or stressed. Which can also impact their sleep.

If you notice changes in your rabbit’s sleep patterns, it’s important to take note of any other symptoms. Or changes in behavior and consult with your veterinarian if necessary. They can help identify any underlying issues that may be impacting your rabbit’s sleep. And guide you on how to address them.


To ensure your rabbit is getting the right amount of rest, it’s crucial to provide them with a comfortable and secure sleeping area. This can include a cozy, soft bed or nest box and a quiet space free from disturbances. Also, it’s important to provide your rabbit with plenty of exercise and stimulation. During their waking hours to help promote healthy sleep patterns.


  • Choose a quiet location: Rabbits are disturbed by noise and movement. So, it’s important to choose a quiet location for their sleeping area. Avoid placing their bed near windows or doors where there may be lots of movement and  activity!
  • Provide a cozy bed: Rabbits love to snuggle up in a cozy bed. Choose a soft, comfortable material such as fleece or wool. You can also provide a nest box for added security and warmth.
  • Keep it clean: clean your rabbit’s sleeping area to prevent the buildup of bacteria and other harmful substances.


How Long Do Rabbits Sleep

There are other things you should take into account when it comes to your rabbit’s sleeping habits. One of the most crucial things to keep in mind is that rabbits have varying sleep needs. Just like humans! Their age and health affect their sleeping patterns.

Generally, adult rabbits need between 8 and 12 hours of sleep per day. While younger bunnies and seniors may need more. If your rabbit is sleeping more or less than usual, it could be a sign of a health issue. So it’s necessary to consult your veterinarian.

Another factor to consider is your rabbit’s living environment. Rabbits that live in areas with a lot of noise and light may have trouble sleeping. To ensure that your rabbit can sleep well, provide a quiet, lit sleeping area. It’s also critical to make sure that the temperature is suitable for your bunny. As they can become overheated or too cold.

Moreso, rabbits are social animals and may feel more secure sleeping close to another rabbit. Or even their human companion. If you have more than one rabbit, make sure that they have enough space to snuggle together.

If you’re your bunny’s only companion, you may consider placing their sleeping area near your bed. Or spending time with them in their sleeping area to make them feel more secure.

What Encourages A Rabbit To Sleep For Long periods?

  • Environment: the environment in which a rabbit lives can have a significant impact on their sleep patterns. Rabbits are burrowing animals. And they feel most comfortable in a quiet, dark, and secure environment. If a rabbit feels stressed or anxious, they find it difficult to relax and sleep. This is why it’s important to provide your rabbit with a safe and secure environment. Where they can feel comfortable and relaxed.

One way to create a comfortable environment for your rabbit is to provide them with a quiet, dark, and cozy sleeping area. This can be a small room, a crate, or even a cardboard box filled with soft bedding.  Make sure that the sleeping area is free from drafts and that it’s not too hot or too cold. Rabbits prefer temperatures between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. So, make sure the sleeping area is kept within this range.

  • Diet: this is another factor that can contribute to a rabbit’s sleep patterns. Rabbits are herbivores and need a diet that is high in fiber. To keep their digestive systems healthy. A diet that is low in fiber can lead to digestive problems. Which can make it difficult for a rabbit to sleep.

To ensure that your rabbit gets enough fiber in their diet, make sure they have access to hay at all times. Hay should be fed to them always. With smaller amounts of fresh vegetables and pellets. Pellets should be served in small quantities, as they have high calories that can make your rabbit obese.

It’s also important to make sure that your rabbit is getting enough water. Dehydration causes many health problems. Including sleep disturbances! Give fresh water to them at all times. And check the water bottle or bowl to make sure it’s not empty.

  •  Health: a rabbit’s health can have a significant impact on its sleep patterns. If a rabbit is sick or in pain, it is difficult to sleep. Common health problems that can affect a rabbit’s sleep include dental problems, ear infections. And gastrointestinal issues!

Watch your rabbit’s health. And take them to the vet if you notice any changes in their behavior or appetite. Regular checkups can also help identify potential health problems early on before they become more serious.


relax rabbit
relax rabbit

Several owners think their bunny doesn’t sleep. Or, if they do sleep, they have never seen it. Some rabbits appear to be constantly awake. Either they are playing or they are sitting still with their eyes open.

In truth, all bunnies snooze. Besides taking many naps throughout the day, they sleep for too long. Instead of sleeping at once, rabbits prefer to sleep in little intervals. 

Some rabbits do not slumber with their eyes open. Some sleep with their eyes partially or completely closed. While others will never close their eyes while they are resting. This is why you think your rabbit never sleeps. If they don’t feel safe, even rabbits, who generally sleep with their eyes closed, will keep them open.

If your rabbit’s eyes are constantly open, you might be wondering why they don’t dry out.  They have an eyelid called a nictitating membrane which keeps their eyes moist, and they can blink across this transparent film.



As a protective measure, rabbits learned to sleep with their eyes open. In the wild, rabbits enjoy sleeping with their eyes open for these reasons!

  • To create a false sense of being awake. Because sleeping rabbits find it difficult to escape and are easily attacked by predators.

When the eyes are open, more light enters them. The rabbit will more easily see when danger is ahead than if its eyes were closed.

  • As prey animals, rabbits are predisposed to being vigilant in most surroundings. By instinct, they know when a predator is close by.

Until you and your rabbit have developed a tight bond, it’s unlikely that your rabbit will go to sleep. With its eyes closed! Some rabbits will still choose to sleep with their eyes open even after that.


It might be challenging to determine whether a rabbit is asleep because they frequently sleep with their eyes open. A relaxed, awake, and alert rabbit can resemble one who is sound asleep.

Even though you might think you’ve never seen your bunny nap, this is usually not the case.

There are a few clues that point to a sleeping rabbit. The following indicators will help you quickly determine whether your rabbit is dozing off:

  • Their twitching nose stops: typically, rabbits’ noses do not move while they are asleep. A rabbit’s nose will twitch more the more attentive it is.
  • Breathing slow: If you can get close enough to your rabbit, you’ll see that when it’s sleeping, its respiration rate slows down.
  • Dreaming: They might jerk their legs, ears, mouths, eyelids, or tails when they’re dreaming. This indicates that they are sleeping soundly.
  • Snoring: Many rabbits snore, though not all do. As they are sleeping, they might snore softly or rasp their ears. The upright position of your rabbit’s ears indicates that it is awake and aware. The ears of a sleeping rabbit are relaxed and rest against the skull.

Many rabbits don’t get much sleep when people are around. Sometimes it takes a pet rabbit months or even years to feel secure enough to sleep close to you. Because of this, you should always make sure your rabbit has a safe “cave-like” hideout.


Keeping an eye out for typical bunny sleeping positions is another technique to determine whether your rabbit is sound asleep.

The three basic sleeping positions are the ones that rabbits commonly have. The favorite sleeping position of a rabbit will depend on its personality and sense of security. The following are the top three sleeping positions for rabbits:

  • Loaf: Your rabbit will take the shape of a loaf. It will sprawl over with its legs tucked beneath.
  • Rug: On its back, your rabbit will be lying flat. Legs will protrude from behind it. The front paws could be curled up or spread out.
  • Flop: Your rabbit is curled up on its side, its front feet protruding. The loaf position is where most rabbits prefer to snooze. As a result of being able to stand and flee in the event of danger. It feels more secure! Your rabbit is on high alert—not because it is afraid of you.

A relaxed rabbit is sitting on its back or the rug. Your rabbit will completely close its eyes in these positions. When it’s hot, rabbits also want to stretch out.

How Long do Rabbits Sleep – Conclusion

Rabbits are fascinating animals with unique sleeping habits. While it can be challenging to determine whether your bunny is asleep. Paying attention to their breathing, body position, and other behaviors can help you determine whether they’re sleeping.

Remember that rabbits have varying sleep needs. And may need more or less sleep depending on their age and health.

Providing a safe, quiet, and comfortable sleeping area. And offering mental and physical stimulation during the day can help your bunny get the rest they need to stay healthy and happy.

About the Author

Dr Jan Pol

Founder & Author

Dr. Pol has written several best-selling books. Namely: Never turn back on an Angus cow—my life as a country vet, tales from his illustrious, a memoir that recruits amusing, incredible 45+ year veterinary career and often poignant. He has also launched several animal food products. Especially for dogs, cats, horses, chickens, goats, and rabbits. He started in December 2019 and has launched more over the years. In 2013, Dr. Pol was awarded an honorary doctorate of public service by Central Michigan University.

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