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Long Haired Rabbit: Guidance from an Experienced Veterinary

Rabbits are cute and popular pets. They come in different breeds, each with its special traits. One type is the long haired rabbit, known for its fluffy and fancy fur. In this article, we’ll talk about long haired rabbits. We’ll learn about their looks, how to take care of them, the popular breeds, and some […]

Can Rabbits Eat Chocolate?

As a vet, I’ve seen many rabbit pet lovers who give their bunnies some chocolates. The sweetness of Chocolate makes them think it must be a good snack for their bunnies. But Can Rabbit Eat Chocolate? You’re also unsure of the answers. Does Chocolate hurt your rabbits? Let’s find out.  In this article, I will […]

How Many Toes Do Rabbits Have?

A concerned rabbit owner brought their rabbit into my clinic. The rabbit, a spunky little brown-and-white bunny named Thumper. Was hopping around on three legs and seemed to be in a lot of pain. I realized that Thumper had broken one of his hind legs and would need surgery to repair it. As I prepped […]

How Long Do Rabbits Sleep – Written By A Vet

Over the years, many rabbit owners have kept asking me questions about how long do rabbits sleep. Especially when they are worried that their rabbits have overslept. And might be sick! Aside from being a professional vet for 25 years, I have had many years of experience. As a rabbit parent! And will disclose everything […]

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